Monday 25 July 2011

castle kanota

                                                 CASTLE KANOTA
Thakur  Zorawar  singh the founder of the kanota Thikana  belonged to the 
champawat family of pilwa , an estate of jodhpur  . He came to jaipur in 1869 and joint the jaipur administerative service . Due to his out standing abilities as an administerator and sportsman he became a confidant of Maharaja Sawai Ram Singh ji of jaipur . By the end of Maharaja Sawai Ram singh's reign he had established himself as a prominent noble in the state and played very important role in the succession of maharaj sawai Madho Singh to the throne of jaipur. He  served the jaipur royal family for 46 years ....

TILL AROUND  1524 AD the town of kanota was the northern limit of the kingdom of mewar ......AFTER MAHARANA SANGHA of mewar  lost the battle of khanwa to Babur , kanota became a part of kingdom of  maharaja prithviraj of AMBER ....

IN 1871 AD the estate of kanota was granted to THAKUR ZORAWAR SINGH 
after comming to jaipur from Peelwa . Due to his hard work and qualities . He soon became the member of state council and in 1876 AD he bacame the 'JAAGIR BAKSHI' of the jaipur estate.

After becoming the Thakur of kanota  zorawar singh started building the kanota 
He was impressed by the  security system of the lohagarh fort in bharatpur as just SEVENTY years earlier LORD LAKE had not been able to conquer this fort.

LIKE LOHAGARH, kanota fort also used mud walls for protection . THE Fort was completed in 1876 AD .


Thakur Zorawar singh seved the jaipur State for 46 years and was succeeded by his son  Thakur narain singh...

WITH  a majestic darbar hall , gold suite , big beautiful gardens , the fortified medieval castle is a magnificent experience .

THE CASTLE LIBRARY ( pothi khana ) has gold work n unique collection of over 10,000 rare books ,
manuscripts , miniatures and a very rich ( 16 th century ) armoury .. which is now being converted into a meseum in the fort itself ..

CASTLE KANOTA has now been converted into
a heritage hotel...
it is located 15km east of jaipur - agra 
road .The castle is spread over 15 Acres  of land ..

                     Facilities and activities 
. rooms and suites with attached bath running hot and cold water 
. visit a museum of old arms , horses , camel and elephant saddlery and buggies.
. a library containing  miniatures paintings , rare books and manuscripts
.beautiful garden and orchard.
.Facilities for horse and camel ride 
. Royal welcome and galla dinner ( on special request )

                    by col. kesri singh of kanota 1952
To the east on the main trunk-road,
There stands a fortess bold;
It lies on the eighth mile-stone,
Guarding the highway all alone.

Built by the man of mighty main,
With extra stength of muscle and brain;
Knowing an occassion may aries,
When foe the city may surprise.

To act as buffer in breaking the force ,
Zorawar had laid the trap on the course 
of an enemy attacking the town ;
Thereby helping the clan and the crown.

Armoury credits the pride of the castel ,
with arms and long range rifles
Though warriors are still in the cradle,
They rise at the sign of war .

The battlements rising rough and high ,
Frown furiously on passersby,
from over the moat through the ground ,
The loopholes gaze with terror .

Buttress and bastions strong and complete ,
wide is the rampart made of concrete,
A moat engirdles the whole castle round,
And the spike - gates are perfectly sound.

The cellers are stocked with the grain,
They are filled over and ever again,
Great is the oozing of water in wells,
Strong are the safes and the cells.

The swords are sharp the spears are pointed,
The rifles are tested the bows are bended,
The sheilds are shining the cannons are clean,
And the balls and bullets are plenty and fresh.

But the poet is pained and regreats to write,
That the days of chivalry are gone in past ,
Never more will he hear the thunder and booms ,
from the admantine lip's of his grandpaa's guns .

The kennels are live with the hounds , 
And the camels are kept in the bounds , 
Thorugh -bred steeds in stables are found ,
And elephents are seen going round n round .

No matter how long a siege be laid ,
The food and store will never fail ,
Tribute for this to narain singh is paid , 
Whose zeal for the glory of castle is great .

Credit for orchard goes to Amar , 
Which through winter and summer,
Yields fresh fruits for the table round ,
Most delecious most profound.

Whith autocratic hand and terrible stare , 
Sardar singh conducts daily affair ,
With " morton's fork " he treats his charge , 
That people there tribute in time .

The clan of kanota has ritual of its own , 
There chivalry , i ween , is world wide known , 
Line of distinction is hardly ever made ,
From Gobind to Amar ther is one single grade . 

The castle is grand with handsome hall ,
Trophies of battle are hung on the wall ,
The cellers are rich with good old wine ,
And warriors march with the time .

Hey for the gallent kanota clan , 
blow up the bugle and summon each man , 
Amar and Gordhan , Sardar and Hem ,
Bari and Sheonath all riders of fame ,
Gobind and Kesree the last of the gang ,
Sing we the glory of kanota's lord ,
Under the sway of his septure ,
We breathe so happy and free .